Major projects fact sheets

Keeping you up to date with major projects across Sydney

We take our responsibility to all customers in Greater Sydney seriously and want to keep you informed on the latest major projects in your region. The fact sheets on this page are all current and future projects across Greater Sydney. 

Western Sydney

Major project fact sheets within the Western Sydney region. 


What it's about

Kemps Creek Pressure Main

6.8 km of wastewater mains will connect Austral to the new Advanced Water Recycling Centre being constructed at Kemps Creek.

Regional Stormwater Servicing Western Sydney Aerotropolis

Our integrated approach will see stormwater diverted into natural water channels and wetlands instead of concrete pipes and drains.

Richmond System Wastewater Upgrade

Upgrades to the Richmond Wastewater System can support the 85% population growth expected in the Richmond and Upper Hawkesbury area over the next 30 years. 

Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre and Pipelines

Sydney Water is constructing one of the southern hemisphere’s most advanced wastewater recycling facilities, expected to be completed in 2026. 

Upper South Creek Networks Program

96 km of wastewater infrastructure and 9 pumping stations will service growth in the area.

South West Sydney 

Major project fact sheets within the South West Sydney region. 

Guide What's it about

Austral Leppington

Phase 1 of this project provides wastewater infrastructure for up to 1700 lots; Phase 2, scheduled for completion in 2027, will provide additional wastewater infrastructure.

Bonds Creek Carrier Extension

Scheduled for completion in 2025, this is a 1.4 km wastewater extension to service an additional 2000 lots in a high growth area.

Greater Macarthur Growth Servicing Plan

This adaptive plan includes drinking water, wastewater, recycled water, and stormwater services for an area set to grow by 82,000 dwellings by 2056.

Prospect to Macarthur

This project includes 19 packages of work including three major pump stations and 22 km trunk mains to support 84,000 new dwellings.

West Camden Water Recycling Plant Upgrade

The upgrade will double the treatment capacity of the plant and ensure sufficient capacity to service up to 72,000 new dwellings in the catchment by 2046.


Wilton is expected to grow by 15,000 homes by 2047 and this package will meet need for drinking water, recycled water and wastewater services.

Greater Sydney

Major project fact sheets within the Greater Sydney region. 

Guide What's it about

Greater Parramatta Olympic Peninsula Water Resource Recovery Facility

A proposed Water Resource Recovery Facility at Camellia would meet the needs of a local population expected to grow by 120% by 2056.

North West Treatment Hub

This upgrade to the Castle Hill, Rouse Hill, and Riverstone treatment plants will improve environmental performance and support population growth.

Prospect Pre-Treatment Plant Augmentation and Upgrade

Scheduled for completion in 2027, the pre-treatment plant will enable supply of safe, secure, reliable drinking water during extreme weather events.

Refresh Vaucluse and Diamond Bay

A new pumping station at Parsley Bay will redirect untreated wastewater away from the ocean outfall in Vaucluse and transfer it to the Bondi treatment plant. 

Ryde to Pymble Pipeline

Recommissioning of the Ryde to Pymble pipeline system will increase resilience and enable water supply into the Prospect North System and cater for increased growth.

Supporting housing supply in New South Wales

Sydney Water’s Infrastructure Investment Program is aligned with the NSW Government’s housing supply policy.

Thornleigh Inlet/Outlet Main

A 1.4 km drinking pipeline between Thornleigh Reservoir and the Thornleigh-Wahroonga Water Pumping Station will increase the resilience of local water supply.

Purified Recycled Water

Major project fact sheets about PRW. 

Guide What's it about

Purified Recycled Water Discovery Centre

The centre helps communities build an understanding of sustainable, reliable and safe water supply options that are independent of rainfall.

Quakers Hill WRRF Advanced treatment upgrade and PRW Scheme

Upgrades to the Quakers Hill Water Resource Recovery Facility will improve the quality and capacity of treated wastewater and support the delivery of PRW schemes.