Appliance/source |
Litres (L) used |
Dishwashing |
Leaks (taps and pipes) |
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Water is a valuable resource. That's why understanding how we use water helps everyone do their bit to use water responsibly. Let's explore some of the things you can do. For example, learn how to read a water meter, find out how much water your appliances use, do a water audit and learn some water-saving tips.
Sydney has over 5 million people. All these people need water for drinking, cooking, washing, making products, growing food, fighting fires, keeping cool, watering gardens and recreation activities.
Did you know that most of the water used in Sydney is used at home?
Think about all the ways you use water at home. You might use water for:
On average, each person in Sydney uses about 200 litres of drinking quality water every day.
There are 2 main ways to find out how much water your family uses.
By monitoring these things over time, you can track how water wise your family is. Use our water efficiency targets to see if your family is water wise.
Most homes have a water meter that shows how much water is being used. Some homes may also have a second purple meter for recycled water.
You can work out how much water you use in a day by looking at the meter on one day and comparing it at the same time the next day. The difference in the meter reading is the amount of water used in a day.
By monitoring the meter when no one is using water, you can also work out if there are any leaks.
You can read your meter to find out how much water you've used.
We send your family a water bill about every 3 months. This shows exactly how much water you used over the past 3 months and how much this costs your family.
See How to read your water bill (320KB).
Is it better to hand-wash dishes or use the dishwasher? Which uses more water: a bath or a shower? Use the tables below to work out how much water your family uses doing everyday things like showering or washing up.
Appliance/source |
Litres (L) used |
Dishwashing |
Leaks (taps and pipes) |
Appliance/source |
Litres (L) used |
Shower |
Bath |
Hand basin |
Toilet |
Leaks (toilet cisterns) |
Appliance/source |
Litres (L) used |
Clothes washing |
Leaks (taps and pipes) |
Appliance/source |
Litres (L) used |
Garden |
Car washing |
Being careful with how much water we use helps make sure there's enough for everybody. There are things we can do every day to be more water efficient. We all need to do our bit to save water by following the current Water Wise Guidelines and reducing outdoor water use.