
Understand where we stand

If you want to know how we make decisions on everything from pricing, building applications and the environment to how we manage our business, check out our policies. We base all our decisions on policy to make sure we're consistent and fair.

Accounts and billing

Need to know our position about charges on your bill or when we'll give you a rebate? Read these policies to find out.

Policy name What the policy is about

Allowances, rebates and concessions on your bill

Explains when we'll give you a credit on your bill, or other help.

Overdue payments

Explains what we'll do if you don't pay your bill.

Payment assistance

Explains how we can help, if you're having difficulty paying your bill.

Service and usage charges

Explains how we charge you.

Wastewater charges for non-residential customers

Explains how wastewater usage charges apply to business customers.

Water meters

Explains who owns and is responsible for maintaining the meter we use to charge you correctly.

Plumbing, building and developing

Do you need to connect to our pipes? Are you subdividing a property? Read these policies to find out what you need to know and do.

Policy name What the policy is about

Bonding of works

Explains when we need a security bond before we extend or adjust our pipes.

Building bridges over our open stormwater channels

Explains our requirements for building bridges over open stormwater channels.

Building over or adjacent to our stormwater assets

Explains what to do if you're building over or next to our stormwater assets.

Building over and adjacent to Sydney Water assets

Explains when we'll allow buildings and structures over or near our assets.

Community title subdivision

Explains how to connect services to properties in this type of subdivision.

Connecting to our systems

Explains how to connect to our water or wastewater pipes.

Documentation of standards for easements over private service lines

Explains what to do when you're creating an easement over a private service line.

Entry onto third party property

Explains what we do when we need access to a private property to extend our pipes.

Funding infrastructure to service growth

Explains who pays to build our new water and wastewater pipes.

Infrastructure contributions

Explains to developers (you) how we apply infrastructure contributions on development applications.

Listed provider scheme management

Explains how we manage different types of non-compliances and the actions we may take in relation to those non-compliances.

Minor service extensions

Explains how we assess applications for minor service extensions.

On-site stormwater detention

Explains our requirements if you need to install an on-site stormwater detention system.

Property development connection requirements

Explains how to organise connections to our water or wastewater pipes for new properties.

Stormwater connections to natural waterways

Explains our requirements for stormwater connections to natural waterways.

Stormwater quality targets

Explains the stormwater quality targets you must meet.

Your responsibilities when connected to our services

Explains your responsibilities when you have a connection to our pipes.

Water and the environment

How do we help protect the environment? Read these policies to find out.

Policy name What the policy is about

Drinking water management

Explains our commitment to providing safe and reliable drinking water.


Explains our commitment to protecting the environment.

Recycled water management

Explains our commitment to providing fit-for-purpose recycled water.

Sewer mining

Explains how we approve companies to draw sewage from our wastewater system.

Stormwater fencing

Explains how we install and maintain fences around our stormwater assets to protect the public.

About us

How do we manage the things you can't see when you turn on your tap? Read these policies to find out.

Policy name What the policy is about

Arc Flash Operational Procedure

Explains the minimum requirements to protect against Arc Flash, including PPE.


Explains how we handle complaints.

Continuous disclosure

Explains our sharing of information to the Shareholder Ministers and/or Portfolio Minister required under NSW Treasury's Reporting and Monitoring Policy for Government Businesses.

Data breach

Explains how we will handle a data breach containing personal or health information.

Family violence assistance

Explains how we assist customers affected by family or domestic violence.


Explains how our employees and third parties assist us to comply with our obligations under privacy laws.

Sponsorship and donations

Explains how we help the community through sponsorship and donations.

Unsolicited proposals

Explains how we assess business proposals we didn't request.

Alcohol and other drugs policy

Explains alcohol and other drugs policy.

Safety, health and wellbeing policy

Explains safety, health and wellbeing policy.

Safety minimum requirements

Explains safety minimum requirements.

Contact us
If our policy doesn't explain what you need to know, please contact us.