Annual Report

See what we've achieved over the past year

In late November every year, we issue our annual report. It covers our achievements and challenges over the previous year, our performance against our statutory requirements and the progress we've made towards meeting our corporate strategic goals. Catch up on our current and past achievements.

Current report

Our Annual Report 2023–24 was released in February 2025 and includes highlights and key projects we’d like to share with you.

Here are some of Sydney Water's 2023-24 highlights

  • Engaged with 13,000 customers in the Our Water Our Voice customer engagement program
  • $2.169 million invested in capital works
  • Rolled out smart meters which provide our customers with accurate, real-time data automatically and help identify costly hidden leaks early.
  • Established a pathway to achieve net carbon emissions by 2030
  • Implemented our People Experience Program for employees to build career pathways and access targeted learning and development resources.
  • Launched our most successful campaign, Toilet Blockers Anonymous, which aimed to raise community awareness about what can and cannot be flushed.
  • Submitted our draft price proposal for 2025-2030 to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
  • Saved more than 4,744 ML of drinking water through the water conservation program
  • Hosted our first staff cricket match to raise funds for the McGrath Foundation.