Log in
It's easy to log in to My Account and check your balance fast. If you prefer, use your payment number to check it here. When you pay your bill in full, your balance goes back to zero until the next time we read your meter.
Located bottom right of bill.
This account is in dispute.
Please call us on 13 20 92 for more details.
We can't show your account balance online at the moment.
Please call us on 13 20 92 and select option ‘1’ to check your current balance.
We can't check this payment number at the moment.
Please call us on 13 20 92 from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm weekdays or try again later.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Payment number: paymentNoPlaceholder
The amount owing is:
Account is in credit by:
Thank you, your account is in credit.
Your account balance may not show any payments made in the past 48 hours.
Your payment number is in the bottom right corner of your bill.