Procurement approach

The suppliers we partner with

We partner with an extensive range of suppliers to help us create thriving, liveable and sustainable cities. Our supply chain consists of small and medium local businesses through to large multinational companies. Our customers rely on us for consistent, high-quality services at affordable prices. This is why our supply partners must align with our policies, values and safety, governance, environmental and ethical standards.

Our procurement approach

We assess a company's suitability through the procurement process and monitor it throughout the lifetime of our partnership. We treat all our suppliers as part of our team, so we expect them to follow our Supplier code of conduct and Environmental policy.

Our procurement approach supports these objectives:

  • Value for money
  • Fair and open competition
  • Easy to do business
  • Innovation
  • Economic, social and sustainability outcomes.

Regional Delivery Partners

In 2020, we began partnering with private industry on long-term contracts to deliver large programs of work divided into regional areas, now called our Regional Delivery Partners. This partnership is based on long-term relationships with Confluence Water, The West Delivery Region and Delivering For Customers. With Sydney Water, the Regional Delivery Partners come together to create one arm of Sydney Water's capacity to deliver our capital works program. Both procurement arms of Sydney Water, our Regional Delivery Partners and Major Projects are forecast to deliver an unprecedented pipeline of capital works and infrastructure within the next 10 years.

Shared Purchasing

SP: Shared Purchasing is an industry best-practice approach that simplifies the way we and our delivery partners purchase goods and services. You can express your interest in becoming one of our suppliers as part of shared purchasing at Supplier registration.

Australian small and medium enterprises

Small and medium businesses (SMEs) form a vital part of our supply chain. We already work with hundreds of small and medium businesses, and welcome expressions of interest from potential suppliers.

The NSW Government recognises SMEs as businesses having:

  • an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • fewer than 200 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees.

If your business fits these criteria, you can express your interest in becoming a Sydney Water supply partner at Supplier registration.

Modern slavery statement

Under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), we must submit a modern slavery statement to the Minister for Home Affairs that will be available on a public register showing how we address slavery risks in our operations and supply chains.

We support the implementation of anti-slavery initiatives to ensure we detect and address modern slavery and human trafficking risks across our business and supply chain. We submitted our first modern slavery statement in March 2021. Our Modern Slavery Statement 2024, which covers the 2023–24 financial year, is our fifth. This statement outlines the steps we're taking to ensure the goods and services we procure aren't the product of modern slavery. It also highlights that we've exercised due diligence when procuring goods and services from our suppliers. Our Modern Slavery Statement 2024 has been submitted to the Attorney-General’s Department and is now published and viewable by the public in the Modern Slavery Statements Register.

In addition, the attached Appendix K GRS Annual Reporting is completed in accordance with the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner’s Guidance on Reasonable Steps which also covers the 2023-24 financial year.

Aboriginal Procurement Participation Plan

We are committed to building and maintaining meaningful and respectful relationships with First Nations peoples of Australia. Our Aboriginal Procurement Participation Plan (APPP) sets out how we can provide opportunities to increase skills and economic participation within the state's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Contact us

We continually innovate the way we work with our supply partners to build lasting, productive relationships. To help us improve, we welcome hearing from existing and potential supply partners. If you have feedback or questions, please email

We're committed to being fair, honest, safe and responsible in our dealings with suppliers. If you suspect corrupt behaviour from any of our staff or contractors, or you don't believe you've been given a fair go, please contact us.