Listed providers

Our listed provider directory

This is your starting point to find the listed providers who can work in parts of the building and developing processes. All these providers must follow and use our instructions, forms and standards and specifications.

We're currently accepting applications for new field testing providers only.
You'll need NATA accreditation for the required tests and/or inspections before applying. Find out more about getting NATA accredited. Once you're NATA accredited, please contact us at

We're not currently accepting applications for new providers in any other category.
When we call for applications for other types of providers, we'll communicate it online and through other appropriate channels.

How to maintain your listing

To maintain your provider listing, you must continue to meet the following criteria and any other criteria we may apply. If your company fails to maintain these criteria, we'll consider removing it from our list. You must:

What you need to know about provider training

If you're a provider and need training and assessment, look at our Provider training requirements for the units of competency you must attain. All listed providers must be aware of, and understand, our Confined Space Safety procedure.

Note: Our Confined Space Safety procedure is a guide only. As a provider, you must develop your own safety management plans and safe work method statements under the Work Health & Safety Regulations 2011 (NSW).

How to find listed providers

Type of provider Role of provider

Constructor (major works)

Constructs new water, wastewater and stormwater pipes

Constructor (minor works)

Constructs new wastewater pipes up to 12 metres long

Field tester

Tests new pipes

Service protection reporter

Reports on the location of our existing pipes

Water service connection driller

Drills into our water pipes so a water service connection can be made

Water servicing coordinator

Designs new pipes
