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We have a great range of free resources specially designed for children in primary school and their educators. Your students can do their own watery experiments, learn about water's journey to and from their homes, and understand what makes water a precious resource we should never take for granted.
Designed by qualified teachers, this free on-site learning experience at Quakers Hill Purified Recycled Water (PRW) Discovery Centre has been tailored to meet NSW syllabus outcomes for Years 3 to 6.
Throughout the learning experience, students will have the opportunity to build their very own urban water cycle, learn about water management over time, and visit a working treatment room to see the PRW process in action.
We welcome homeschool groups and other areas of alternative education, please contact us at education@sydneywater.com.au to register your interest.
For more information or to express your interest in booking H2Woah! Contact the Community Education Team at education@sydneywater.com.au.
Stage 1 lessons and resources
Looking for inspiration to improve water literacy in the classroom? These modules are ideal inquiry-based resources that help connect your students with water, discover its unique qualities and build value and care for water.
The modules can be used in sequence or as standalone lessons to complement any water education program. Students will explore, investigate and learn about:
Module 1 – Water and us
Module 2 – What makes water water
Module 3 – Water on Earth
Module 4 – The water cycle
Module 5 – Clean safe water
Module 6 – Every drop counts
Exploring our connection with water.
Lesson plans
Water and us – lesson plan
Water and us – worksheets
Water and us – PowerPoint
Exploring what makes water a unique and wonderful substance.
Lesson plans
What makes water water – lesson plans
What makes water water – worksheets
What makes water water – PowerPoint
Exploring amounts and distribution of water on Earth.
Lesson plans
Water on Earth – lesson plans
Water on Earth – worksheets
Water on Earth – PowerPoint
Water on Earth – video
Test the difference – practical investigation
Bluey: The Beach, read aloud by Julia Gillard – video
Exploring the water cycle and how we manage it to meet our needs.
Lesson plans
The water cycle – lesson plans
The water cycle – worksheets
Urban water cycle – activity sheet
The water cycle – PowerPoint
Make a Water Cycle Model – experiment
Water experiment – videos and brochures
Exploring access to clean safe water.
Lesson plans
Clean safe water – lesson plans
Clean safe water – worksheets
Clean safe water – PowerPoint
How we filter water – video
Water experiment – videos and brochures
Abby Lau from Malaysia – video
Azam Muhammed from Pakistan – video
Gippsland Water Teaching Resources – The Water Princess
Exploring how we use and save water every day.
Lesson plans
Every drop counts – lesson plan
Every drop counts – worksheets
Every drop counts – PowerPoint
How do we use water? – interactive whiteboard resource (this resource requires SMART Notebook to open)
Water in your home – video
10 Easy ways to save water at school – fact sheet
Did you know that all the water on Earth is all that we have?
Our natural water cycle moves water all around us, all the time, but less than 1% of fresh water is usable.
How we use water and conserve it is important to think about. The way we think, feel, value and use water contributes to our liveable cities.
Water quality and filtration is carefully managed to make sure your water is safe to drink straight from the tap.
Most of our drinking water comes from catchments.
Have you thought about what happens to all the used water from your home or school?
We use wastewater treatment and water recycling to make water safe to be reused or returned to the environment.
Wastewater Treatment Primary Sedimentation
What happens when it rains on the road, your roof or your school's paved areas?
Stormwater rushes off hard surfaces and flows into drains that lead to creeks, rivers and the ocean.
You can help us care for our waterways by being mindful that the drain is just for rain!
Rouse Hill stormwater catchment
Experimenting with water
Playing water games
Make a cloud to see part of the water cycle in action.
Make a cloud – brochure
Explore how water evaporation works.
Water evaporation experiment – brochure
Use red cabbage to make a natural pH indicator.
Make a pH indicator – brochure
Make a simple water filter from things around the home.
Make a simple water filter – brochure
Create your own mini earth terrarium.
Water cycle and terrarium – brochure
Discover what breaks down and what doesn't.
Keep wipes out of pipes – brochure