Developer deeds and standard terms

Rules about moving, removing or replacing water pipes

If you need to move, extend or protect our pipes and assets for your development, including temporary replacement pipes, you and your providers must enter into a Developer Works Deed with us. You need to engage a water servicing coordinator and lodge an application through the e-Developer system. This includes completing all our developer deed schedules.

Land development guide 
It’s all here: how to meet our requirements for servicing your development and receive your Section 73 Certificate through our ‘Managing New Development’ process. It details the process, related policies, forms, fees and charges. 

Developer Works Deed

If you need to move, extend or protect our pipes and assets for your development, you and your providers need to enter into a Developer Works Deed (380KB) with us.

  • You and your providers must sign the Developer Works Deed before you submit the design of works.
  • If you haven’t engaged your constructor by the time you submit the design, the deed must still be submitted with all the other signatures so we can execute it. 
  • Before construction begins, your constructor must sign the Schedule 3: Deed Poll.

Schedule 1: Standard Terms

You’ll find all the Developer Works Deed conditions in the Schedule 1: Standard Terms document (552KB).

Schedule 2: Novation Deed

If you need to transfer ownership of the development site after you’ve signed the Developer Works Deed, you should complete the Schedule 2: Novation Deed (356KB).

Schedule 3: Deed Poll

Your constructor must sign Schedule 3: Deed Poll (320KB) before construction starts.