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Find out if your school's using too much water. Our WaterFix Schools program could lower your school's water bill and boost sustainability. Take the first step. Use the tool below and check to see if your school is eligible. Tertiary institutions, including universities and TAFEs, can access WaterFix Commercial.
Use this tool to find out if your school's water use is low, higher than average or high. Have your latest bill handy to enter water usage during a billing period, or enter your meter readings over a date range.
Check your school's water efficiency with the tool above. If it indicates your school is using too much water, you can request a free desktop water efficiency assessment. This will allow us to take a closer look at your water usage. If your usage is still high, your school could be a great candidate for the program.
What's included with the WaterFix Schools program:
You can choose from a range of flexible payment options that can be included in your school's water bill.
We advise you check that our quote provides value for money. Do seek alternative solutions and quotations from other suppliers.