Leak detection

How to spot a leak and what to do next

Has your water bill gone up unexpectedly even though you haven't changed the way you use water or there's the same number of people in your home? Have you noticed wet patches on your lawn or damp walls in your house? You may have a leak.

You may be eligible for a hidden leak allowance
Don't put it off. If a licensed plumber finds and repairs your hidden leak, you can apply for a hidden leak allowance on your bill.

Who's responsible for fixing leaks

The property owner is responsible for fixing all the pipes and fittings on the property that connect to our water network. However, we often repair water services between our water main and the water meter up to one metre inside the property boundary as a free service. Sydney Water is responsible for fixing water meter itself, which we own and maintain.

If you damage the water system, you'll need to pay for repairs.

Fast detection and repair are important
You can lose a few litres of water an hour from a slow-dripping tap, and thousands of litres a day from a constantly running toilet. If the leak is from a hot water pipe or a pumped water supply, you're also wasting energy. Find out more about spotting and fixing water leaks around your home.

How to check for leaks

  • Check your hot water system's expansion valves (located near the top of your hot water system) when you haven't used any hot water for a while. They shouldn't constantly leak water.
  • Check your taps and toilets regularly for signs or sounds of leaks.
  • Place a small piece of dry toilet paper at the back of the toilet bowl and check that it stays dry until the next flush. Toilet cisterns shouldn't release any water between flushes.
  • Disconnect hoses or irrigation pipes that are always connected to garden taps. Then check the taps aren't leaking.
  • Look for green patches of grass that are different from the surrounding grass. This can mean you have an underground pipe leak.

If you suspect there's a large leak, you'll probably need help from a plumber with specialist equipment.

Use your water meter

It's simple to test for leaks if you have your own meter.

  1. Turn off all taps and anything that uses water, such as drip systems, dishwashers and washing machines.
  2. Locate your water meter. It's usually at the front of your property.
  3. Note the numbers on the water meter dials. Some meters have a dial to show you when you have a leak.
  4. Don't use any water for the next hour.
  5. Check if the last numbers on the dial have changed. If they have, you've got a leak. The greater the change, the bigger the potential leak.

The video shows how to read different types of water meters. Or find out more about how to do your own meter readings.

If you still can't explain high water usage
If you can't detect a leak or explain high water usage, apply for a water meter test or call 13 20 92 8am–5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays). If the meter is faulty, we'll refund the fee and adjust your water usage charge.

How to fix a leak

Although you may want to fix the leak yourself, legally you can only do minor plumbing work like changing a tap washer. If the leak is inside your home or on your property, you'll probably need to call a licensed plumber.

Watch the video from our partners at Smart Approved WaterMark to see how to change a tap washer.

We can help fix leaks in your home

Visible leaks

Our WaterFix® Residential plumbers are here to help customers reduce water bills. When you request a WaterFix Residential appointment for a visible leak, our plumber will discuss any repair work needed, suggest suitable water-efficient devices and provide a quote. When you give the go-ahead, they'll do the repair work. They fix minor tap and toilet leaks for free. Any charges are added to your water bill.

Leaks you can't locate

When you detect a leak using our simple water meter test but can't locate it, a leak detection specialist can help. Not all plumbers have the special tools and skills needed to find leaks hidden underground and inside walls. Our WaterFix Concealed Leaks program provides a full range of leak detection and repair services. If a licensed plumber finds and repairs a hidden leak, you can apply for a hidden leak allowance on your bill.

Water meter tap leaks

While we own the meter, it's your responsibility to fix leaks at the meter tap. However, if you call 13 20 90 we'll fix the meter tap for free within 10 working days.

To have your meter tap fixed sooner, you can call a licensed plumber at your own cost. Or call 13 20 90 and ask for our WaterFix Express Meter Taps service. For $99 we'll come to your property within 3 hours. If you call after 5pm, we'll do the repair between 7am and 10am the next day.

If the meter tap and pipe near it have been damaged, for example, they've been run over by a car, hit by a lawnmower or vandalised, we may charge you extra for the repair work.

Leaks in a public space

If you see water leaking in a public space like a road, park or footpath, please report it so we can fix the problem as soon as possible.

If the problem is urgent or you're reporting between 11pm and 6am, call us on 13 20 90 24/7.

 A plumber fixes a bathroom tap as part of our WaterFix Residential program.
 A plumber fixes a bathroom tap as part of our WaterFix Residential program.

Save water, save money, get great deals

Want a water-saving facelift for your kitchen, laundry or bathroom? Check out our range of sleek WELS 4-star rated taps, flick mixers, showerheads and toilet suites. Plus, we fix minor tap and toilet leaks for free.