Water efficiency targets

Setting a target for your household

Homes that are roughly the same size, with the same number of people living in them, generally use about the same amount of water if they use it efficiently. How does your household compare? Find out now what your daily water efficiency target should be.

How to set your target

  1. On your latest bill, find the month's usage charges and your average daily usage.
  2. Then, from the 4 daily target tables below, choose the one that includes the month closest to your usage charges date range for this bill: November–January, February–April, May–July or August–October.
  3. Choose the number of people who shared your home most of the time.
  4. Choose your property size in square metres (m2).

The result shows how many litres per day (L/day) an efficient household the size of yours uses. This is your target. Compare it to your average daily usage right now.

The first box shows the start and end dates for this bill's usage charges. The black column in the second box shows the average litres per day (L/day) your household has used.

How does your household compare?
If your average daily water usage is the same as or less than water-efficient households the same size, congratulations! You're already using water efficiently.

Daily target tables

November–January daily target

People in the home Small property
Less than 500 m2
Medium property
501 m2 to 700 m2
Large property
701 m2 to 900 m2
1 person 194 L/day 199 L/day 212  L/day
2 people 351 L/day 363 L/day 381 L/day
3 people 449 L/day 469 L/day 487 L/day
4 people 516 L/day 541 L/day 559 L/day
5 people 542 L/day 570 L/day 586 L/day


February–April daily target

People in the home  Small property 
Less than 500 m2
Medium property
501 m2 to 700 m2
Large property
701 m2 to 900 m2
1 person 197 L/day 199 L/day 213 L/day
2 people 356 L/day 364 L/day 384 L/day
3 people 456 L/day 470 L/day 490 L/day
4 people 524 L/day 542 L/day 563 L/day
5 people 551 L/day 572 L/day 591 L/day


May–July daily target

People in the home Small property 
Less than 500 m2
Medium property
501 m2 to 700 m2
Large property
701 m2 to 900 m2
1 person 181 L/day 186 L/day 198 L/day
2 people 327 L/day 341 L/day 357 L/day
3 people 419 L/day 440 L/day 456 L/day
4 people 482 L/day 508 L/day 523 L/day
5 people 506 L/day 536 L/day 549 L/day


August–October daily target

People in the home Small property 
Less than 500 m2
Medium property
501 m2 to 700 m2
Large property
701 m2 to 900 m2
1 person 189 L/day 191 L/day 206 L/day
2 people 340 L/day 349 L/day 370 L/day
3 people 436 L/day 451 L/day 473 L/day
4 people 501 L/day 520 L/day 543 L/day
5 people 527 L/day 549 L/day 569 L/day


What the targets are based on

People use water in lots of different ways around the home, and many factors determine how much water they use. To calculate the daily averages in the tables, we assumed that people in water-efficient households:

  • use water outdoors 2–3 times a week for things like maintaining their lawn and garden, topping up the pool and washing the car
  • have a 4.5-minute shower each day using a water-efficient showerhead (no more than 9 litres per minute)
  • use a dual-flush toilet
  • use a front-loading washing machine and no more than 2 loads per person per week
  • use water-efficient taps fitted with aerators
  • use the dishwasher no more than once a day
  • have a bath only occasionally
  • fix any obvious leaks around the home.

How to save water at home

If you're surprised to see how much water you're using compared to other households, there's a lot you can do. Making positive changes could cost a lot less than you think.

Save water and money with WaterFix Residential

In the past 5 years, customers have saved over 800 million litres.