WaterFix® Commercial

Large businesses can save water and money

Wasting water is costly for office towers, shopping centres, supermarkets, hotels and motels, aged care facilities, clubs and large venues. With WaterFix Commercial, you can cut that waste and achieve large-scale, cost-efficient savings. Contact us for a free desktop assessment.

We'd love to talk to you about the water and money your commercial site could be saving. Call 1800 354 106 8am–5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays) or email waterfixcommercial@sydneywater.com.au.

Find out if your site's using too much water

Get started with a free desktop assessment and see if your site's water use is low, average or too high.

The assessment reveals:

  • how your property's water efficiency compares to best practice industry benchmarks for your industry
  • spikes or dips in water usage that may be due to broken pipes or site works
  • possible concealed leaks
  • impact of known shutdowns on your water usage.

You'll see where to focus on effective ways to save water.

Identify the cause of the waste

If the desktop assessment reveals your site has high water usage, we'll provide a more detailed analysis through online monitoring and an on-site audit.

24/7 online monitoring

We install a free data logger on your main water meter or sub-meter to provide online monitoring subsidised for 12 months. With a data logger, real-time water usage data is available 24/7 on any device. It's yours to keep, even if you don't take advantage of WaterFix Commercial solutions. Online monitoring gives you:

  • unlimited access to your water usage data anywhere anytime and on any device
  • alarms you can set and manage for different parameters, like spikes in water usage, or high usage at certain times
  • monthly report of your water usage performance
  • ability to instantly detect baseline water usage data, which may indicate a concealed leak
  • easy export of data to other systems for further analytics.

Professional on-site audit

One of our inspectors can also assess all areas of your site where water is used, like:

  • washrooms, including taps, toilets and showers
  • kitchens, including commercial kitchens
  • laundries
  • swimming pools, gyms and spas
  • cooling towers
  • boiler rooms and other hot water systems
  • irrigation systems, rainwater tanks and water features.

Get an obligation-free proposal and quote

Once we know the issues, we'll propose a step-by-step plan and obligation-free quote to make your site water efficient. It will cover:

  • leak repairs, fitting replacements and installation of water efficient devices
  • replacement of faulty or inefficient systems including taps, toilets, urinals and showers
  • repairing and optimising rainwater harvesting systems
  • repairs to cooling towers and hot water systems
  • repairs to commercial kitchens and laundries
  • removal, recycling and responsible disposal of waste products and materials
  • project and contractor management
  • identification of possible concealed leaks and referral to other services as required.

WaterFix Commercial uses only fully licensed and experienced plumbers and specialist tradespeople who are approved to carry out work for Sydney Water.

We encourage you to get alternative solutions and quotes from other suppliers.

Flexible payment options

We offer 3 payment options:

  • Option 1 – Direct payment
    Make a single lump-sum payment once the project is complete.
  • Option 2 – Deferred payments over 12 months*
    Split your payment into 4 equal amounts included on your future quarterly water bills.
  • Option 3 – Performance agreement, with no out-of-pocket payments*
    We can arrange a customised repayment plan equivalent to the value of the water you’ll save every quarter. WaterFix Commercial can pay for itself through your water bills over 2–4 years.

* An exclusive option from Sydney Water.

Case study: Retirement village reduces water use

Huon Park is a retirement village with 250 residents on Sydney's Upper North Shore. In 2023, manager Sue McKindlay asked us to investigate a spike in water usage. Our free desktop assessment showed average daily water use was 266 litres per resident – 66 litres more than the recommended benchmark for water useThen we installed online monitoring to provide a 24/7 overview of where the water was going. Managing water use has made a big difference.

Huon Park saved over 6 million litres and $15,000 a year.

  • Within 6 months, Huon Park achieved an 'efficient' benchmark rating. Water use had dropped to under 200 litres a resident per day, saving over 6 million litres of water per year valued at over $15,000.
  • Online monitoring revealed a recent spike in water usage. We discovered and replaced a leaky sub-meter, saving 3,650 litres of water a year and creating energy savings through reduced hot water use.
  • WaterFix Commercial has helped Huon Park achieve greater awareness of when and where it uses water. 

'A simple measure we've taken on board is reducing the frequency of irrigation around our gardens,' says Sue McKindlay. 'It's been a very valuable lesson for us in how to be mindful of our water usage and look at it in a different way.'

Sue McKindlay with WaterFix Commercial's Con Argiratos.

How much could your site save?

A running tap uses 10 litres a minute, or 14,400 litres a day. That's over 5 million litres a year – costing more than $12,500 in water usage. Even one drop a second from a dripping tap wastes 7,000 litres of water a year.

In the 2 years after WaterFix Commercial's launch, we found that commercial properties across Sydney wasted over 140 million litres of water: the equivalent of 56 Olympic-sized swimming pools.