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Most services you connect to will be covered by our Customer Contract, which outlines the level of service we offer and explains your rights and obligations. However, some types of connections or services may be different to the services outlined in the Customer Contract or have ongoing conditions of connection, such as maintaining pumps or pipes. You'll have a separate agreement to explain what you must do to use and maintain your connection.
We use these agreements to manage wastewater discharges contaminated by the business activities of commercial or industrial trade wastewater customers.
Your agreement may cover:
We'll have an agreement with you if you have ongoing conditions of connection.
We use these agreements to manage connections to our pressure sewerage system where property owners privately own the pressure sewerage equipment. Many of these connections were installed as part of our Priority Sewerage Program.
Your agreement will cover:
Find out more about our wastewater systems.
We use these agreements to manage customers who need to pump wastewater to our gravity wastewater system and install pressure sewerage equipment on their property. You may need to pump to our wastewater system if your property is situated lower than our gravity wastewater pipes.
Your agreement will cover:
We use these agreements to manage customers who want to pump water directly from our water mains. You may need to do this to boost water pressure or to pump water to multi-storey buildings. Agreements ensure that when pumps operate they don't damage our pipes or affect the service we give other customers.
Your agreement may cover:
We don't need an agreement with you if there's a tank between our pipe and your main.
We use these agreements to manage connections to our water main that involve very long lines of private pipes. You may need this type of connection if your property doesn't front one of our water mains.
Your agreement may cover:
We use these agreements to manage water connections in areas where:
Your agreement may cover:
We use these agreements to manage connections to our vacuum wastewater systems.
Your agreement may cover:
We use these agreements when customers take water from our wastewater system, treat it and reuse it.
Your agreement may cover:
If you return wastewater or sludge to our system after treating it in your sewer mining process, you must have an industrial trade wastewater agreement with us.
We use these agreements when customers want to take water from our stormwater pipes and channels, treat it and reuse it.
Your agreement may cover:
If you want to discharge stormwater or sludge to our wastewater system after treating it in your stormwater harvesting process, you must have an industrial trade wastewater agreement with us.
We use these agreements when we've given permission to use a metered standpipe on our hydrants. You may need a metered standpipe for short-term water access for construction activities or water carting.
Your agreement may cover:
We use these agreements to manage water meters that aren't in a standard location or that we can't access.
Your agreement may cover: