Plans and strategies

Preparing for the future

Our plans and strategies support our ambitious vision to create a better life for Greater Sydney with world class water services. They set out the framework for us to provide safe, clean drinking water, tree-lined streets, parks and green spaces, and access to safe local waterways and beaches for recreation and fun. This good planning helps us prepare for future challenges and provide better services for our customers.

Plan or strategy title What's it about?

One strategy to deliver our vision

This plan outlines our vision, aspirations and values for the future.

Reconciliation Action Plan

This plan outlines our commitments to reconciliation from 2024 to 2026.

Western Sydney Regional Master Plan

This plan supports our vision to create a better life with world class water services and the NSW Government's vision of the Western Parkland City.

Eastern Sydney Regional Master Plan

This master plan provides a framework for understanding the challenges and opportunities of integrated water management in Eastern Sydney.

Growth Servicing Plan 2024–2029

This plan outlines the availability of trunk water-related infrastructure over the next 5–15 years across the major greenfield and infill areas.

Innovation Research and Deployment Plan

This plan explains how we are delivering change to improve our infrastructure, operations and the way we work.

Research horizon priorities

This explains the timing and priorities for the Innovation Research and Deployment Plan relating to our strategic outcomes and setting targets across different time horizons.

Our path to net carbon zero and beyond

This plan outlines how our approach to climate change will help us achieve our net zero goals.

Long Term Capital and Operational Plan

A significant plan that captures our key infrastructure and operational decisions to 2050, it ensures services to our customers adapt to a changing world.