WaterFix® Concealed Leaks

We locate and repair hard-to-find leaks

If your bill shows that water use has significantly increased but there's no visible leak, contact WaterFix Concealed Leaks. Our qualified specialist plumbers are available 7am–6pm Monday to Friday and 8am–4pm on Saturdays (except public holidays). Call 1800 558 552 7am–4pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays) or email concealedleaks@sydneywater.com.au.

You may be eligible for a hidden leak allowance
Don't put it off. If a licensed plumber finds and repairs your hidden leak, you can apply for a hidden leak allowance on your bill.

WaterFix Concealed Leaks services

Not all plumbers have the tools and skills to find leaks hidden underground and inside walls. Our qualified specialist plumbers do. They will:

  • check your property for obvious leaks
  • use specialised equipment such as pipe location devices, acoustic listening devices, and techniques such as filling pipes with a safe gas
  • find any concealed leak and mark its location
  • offer a quote to fix the leak or leaks
  • test any repairs you accept
  • remove any rubbish associated with the service.

All charges, including repairs you agree to, will be added to your Sydney Water bill. If the total cost is over $400, you can spread it over 4 consecutive bills for a $44 administration fee. You're welcome to get alternative quotes for required repairs from other licensed plumbers.

Not every damp area or watermark is a hidden leak
It may be due to something else, like rainwater, damaged waterproofing or a leaking roof. Before you invest in a WaterFix Concealed Leaks investigation, it's worth confirming there's a constant flow from your pipes. Check for hidden leaks with your water meter.

Quotes and billing

The total cost of the investigation will depend on how long it takes to find the concealed leak:

Fees Description


First hour


Each additional half hour


Obvious leak fee (we may charge this fee instead of the first-hour fee if the source of the leak is obvious)

The initial concealed leak investigation cost does not include repairing the hidden leak, repairing any obvious leaks, restoring patterned concrete surfaces, retiling and waterproofing, or removing any trees.

Examples of end-to-end charges

  • Leaking pipe in backyard
    $757 total cost
    included locating leak ($410), labour to excavate and expose damage, repair with new section of pipe and fittings, backfill and test ($160), and materials ($187).
  • Leaking hot water pipe under concrete floor
    $1,540 total cost
    included locating leak ($410), labour to jackhammer slab, repair hot water pipe and concrete slab, reinstall vanity and connect back-up ($800), and materials ($330).
  • Burst pipe under stencilled concrete paving
    $410 total cost
    included locating leak and labour. Customer chose to use their own plumber for repairs.

Book your appointment today or find out more. Call 1800 558 552 7am–4pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays) or email concealedleaks@sydneywater.com.au.

Take a look at our other tailored water saving programs, too. One could be just right for your home or business.