Secondary school

Water is amazing

Find out just how amazing this unique substance is through our range of syllabus-linked Geography and Science resources. Learn about the way we treat and manage water for a resilient and liveable city, now and in the future. Think about your role in our urban water cycle. There's lots to learn about water.

Aqua Innovate – Excursion

Designed by qualified teachers, this on-site learning experience at Quakers Hill Purified Recycled Water (PRW) Discovery Centre can be tailored to meet NSW syllabus outcomes for Years 7 to 12.

Concepts explored include:

  • What is PRW?
  • What technologies are used during the PRW treatment process?
  • Water scarcity and resiliency.
  • How water resources are currently sourced and managed – locally and globally.
  • How can we care for water and use water more sustainably?

Students will strengthen their water literacy as they participate in a range of interactive activities, engage in collaborative and individual learning, and visit the treatment room to see the technology in action.

For more information or to express your interest in booking Aqua Innovate, contact the Community Education Team at

Stage 4 Geography resources

Water in the world

All the water on Earth is all that we have. Learn about our natural water cycle and water sources.

Find out how we're caring for our waterways and how you can, too. Do a stormwater audit. Remember, the drain is just for rain!

Investigate the urban water cycle and try the Stage 4 Geography water cycle lesson plan.

Playing water games


Places and liveability

Investigate how access to water is important for quality of life in liveable cities and for human wellbeing with our Orange Sky lesson plan.

Investigate water-sensitive urban design with our Johnstons Creek case study.

Most of our drinking water comes from catchments.

Stage 4 Science resources

Separating mixtures

You can apply science to water management just like our scientists with these practical investigations:

Working scientifically skills

Use red cabbage to make a natural pH indicator.

Make a pH indicator – brochure

Make a simple water filter from things around the home.

Make a simple water filter – brochure

Create your own mini earth terrarium.

Water cycle and terrarium – brochure

Discover what breaks down and what doesn't.

Keep wipes out of pipes – brochure

Project-based learning resources

Water audits are a great project to bring all your skills together. The brand without a bottle is another great persuasive writing project for you to try.

The brand without a bottle

Looking for an interesting project? Year 7 and 8 English students act as our creative agency to persuade their peers to choose tap water over bottled water.

Other water resources

Take a look at these other water-related resources that link with our programs:

  • Hunter Water has produced a school education pack with a range of resources suitable for use in preschool, infants, primary and secondary school.
  • Follow a water molecule as it journeys from the ocean to the atmosphere then back to Earth with ABC Splash.
  • ABC Education has a wide variety of water resources, videos and games. Just type water into the search bar and set the filter settings to find what you're looking for. 
  • PUB Singapore has faced drought, floods and water pollution and learnt a lot. See how they've secured their water supply with innovative ideas. 
  • Thames Water United Kingdom dates back to the 1600s, and their engineering projects have influenced the way we manage wastewater and protected public health in many cities of the world, including Sydney.

Self-guided excursions

We'll help teachers set up their own local waterway excursion.

Teacher resources

Drinking water taste test (201KB) – set up a blind taste test as an experiment

Water on Earth video – did you know that all the water on Earth is all that we have?

Glossary – definitions of keywords and industry terms