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We use chemistry every day to treat, monitor and manage the urban water cycle, and we've developed a range of depth study resources linked to the Stage 6 Chemistry syllabus. Your students will learn how we manage water with free resources that bring real-world applications of chemistry to life and assist with their HSC preparations.
Looking for inspiration for a whole-class depth study? Take a look at our depth study programs.
Each program gives you ideas for 4 hours of in-class activities that will support our Stage 6 Chemistry depth study excursions.
We also have some practical investigations to help you understand how our plants work.
The resources below should get you started.
Make an indicator (941 KB) out of cabbage! Watch our Make a pH indicator video to see how you can test things in your home and see if they are an acid or a base.
Set up an experiment to better understand what people think of water.
These resources will help you understand the chemistry behind the treatment process at Orchard Hills Water Filtration Plant.
Using everyday items, discover what makes a good water filter and learn how Sydney's water is filtered so it's safe to drink.
Investigate how they're used in water treatment.