Our prices

Keeping our prices fair and transparent

We have a responsibility to everyone who lives and works in Greater Sydney to efficiently manage the infrastructure for drinking water, recycled water, wastewater and stormwater. We promise to keep our prices fair and transparent while we provide the services you rely on every day.

Find the prices you need

How we set our prices and what you pay

Previously every 4 years and now every 5 years, IPART (the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal) reviews and sets our prices for water, wastewater, recycled water, stormwater and other services. The prices you pay depend on the type of property you have and the services available in your area. Prices are adjusted for the rate of inflation on 1 July each year as set out in the current pricing determination.

About our current prices

On 16 June 2020, IPART released the final determination and report on its Review of prices for Sydney Water. Our current prices are based on IPART's assessment of the efficient costs needed to run our business for 2020–24. This determination was due to last 4 years, ending on 30 June 2024, but will be extended for one year until 30 June 2025. The official review process for a new price determination will begin in September 2024.

Over 6 phases, from July 2022 until March 2024, 13,394 customers have been part of the Our Water, Our Voice program. This has been the most in-depth customer engagement program in our 135-year history. From this robust program, we've shaped our submissions for a new Operating Licence and our upcoming pricing determination. We are confident that IPART will see that we have been led by you, the customer, in these submissions.

Visit the Customer engagement strategy page to find out more about each of the phases in this program of work. We'll update this page with key dates for the pricing determination process once they are known.