Constructors (major works)

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Search this directory if you need to engage a constructor (major works) to construct new water, wastewater and stormwater pipes.

The firms and individuals on this list have represented to us that they have the capabilities, qualifications and experience needed to do the types of work listed here. We make no guarantees or warranties about their performance, commercial practices or financial viability and do not endorse any of the products or services offered. We advise you to be diligent in selecting a firm with the appropriate capability and to obtain a number of quotes to increase your confidence in your decision.

Company capability key

Code Description


Water reticulation DN 100-375


Water supply DN > 375-750


Steel pipelines DN > 750-1200


Recycled water DN 65-375


Sewerage reticulation DN 150-300


Sewer standard DN 375-750


Minor works (sewer)


AC pipe systems


Pressure sewer systems


PE pipe systems


Pipe cracking


Company details Contact Contact numbers Capabilities

Absolute Plumbing NSW Pty Ltd
336 Woodville Road
Guildford NSW 2161

Elias Matouk

0411 560 946

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Access Pipelines Pty Ltd
PO Box 148
Horsley Park NSW 2175

David Seraglio

0407 962 993

AC  MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Acc-u-rate Civil Pty Ltd
PO Box 415
Enfield NSW 2136

Haney Tenn

0400 088 506

AC  S1  W1  MS

Ackerley Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 539
Ingleburn NSW 1890

Steven Ackerley

0412 259 581
02 9820 3676

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Adam Christofides Plumbing Pty Ltd
PO Box 308
Dapto NSW 2530

Adam Christofides

0412 671 741
02 4261 3565

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Alannette Pty Ltd
PO Box 2
Beecroft NSW 2119

Alan Pike

0408 218 240

AC  S1  S2  W1  W2

All Line Plumbing Pty Ltd
PO Box 3255
Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Shane Hughes

0414 252 681

MS  RW  S1  W1

All Pipe Constructions Pty Ltd
PO Box 467
Helensburgh NSW 2508

David Boughton

0415 601 144
02 4294 4657

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1

All Plumbing and Civil Pty Ltd
171–175 Fourteenth Avenue
Austral NSW 2179

Alex Mcleod

0400 911 111
02 9606 9414

AC  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

All Projects Plumbing Pty Ltd
2 Naoi Place
Glenmore Park NSW 2745

Andrew Harvey

0421 499 260

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

All Sydney Sidelines Pty Ltd – Helensburgh
Shop 1/131 Parkes Street
Helensburgh NSW 2508

Greg McCarthy

0408 612 184
02 9527 6218

RW  S1  S2  W1

All Sydney Sidelines Pty Ltd – Sans Souci
PO Box 136
Sans Souci NSW 2219

Greg McCarthy

0408 612 184
02 9527 6218

RW  S1  S2  W1

Apex Sewer & Water Pty Ltd
3/7 Luso Drive
Unanderra NSW 2526

Shaun Kelly

0421 758 973
02 4284 1522

RW  S1  W1

Aqua Civil Pty Ltd
12/21–25 Monro Avenue
Kirrawee NSW 2232

Sam Kakakios

0412 828 285

S1  S2  W1

Aqua Options Pty Ltd
PO Box 173
Mulgoa NSW 2745

Darren Tierney

0411 407 296
1300 02 00 70

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Arben Construction Pty Ltd
Unit 21, 727 The Horsley Drive
Smithfield NSW 2164

Daniel Digiandomenico

0418 229 367
02 9756 0414

PE  LP  S1  S2  W1

Ardee Civil Pty Ltd
PO Box 624
Concord NSW 2137

Michael O'Donovan

0450 902 655

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Arena Plumbing & Drainage Services Pty Ltd
120 Eighteenth Avenue
Austral NSW 2179

Joe Santaguida

0418 299 426
02 9606 9962

MS  PE LP RW  S1  W1

Arqtic Flow Pty Ltd
Unit 4, 19 Daisy Street
Revesby NSW 2212

Walid Elrozz

0409 563 563

MS  S1  W1

Asmac Civil
PO Box 2581
Carlingford NSW 2118

Brandon Tan

0403 179 651

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Athassel Civil Pty Ltd
24 Hewlett Street
Bronte NSW 2024

Padraig Morrissey

0412 418 708
02 9389 5980

MS  AC PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Atlas Plumbing Pty Ltd
12 Beattie Avenue
Ryde NSW 2112

Frank Riitano

0418 222 360
02 9808 5552

S1  W1

Ausflow Pty Ltd
12.1, 160 Bourke Road
Alexandria NSW

Gabriel Austin

02 9555 7979

AC  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

AU Water Infrastructure Pty Ltd
Suite 4, Level 1, 1c Grand Avenue
Camellia NSW 2142

Morgan O'Connor

0412 476 124
02 8824 4009

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

AWPM Australian Water Project Management
Unit 1, 151 Hartley Road
Smeaton Grange NSW 2567

David Greene

0438 269 970
02 4648 0666

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Axis Civil & Hydraulics Pty Ltd
PO Box 208
Revesby North NSW 2212

Robert Elliot

0421 611 842
02 9708 5666

MS  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Bendrite Plumbing Pty Ltd
PO Box 757
Kellyville NSW 2155

Bernard Seghabi

0405 534 875

MS  S1  W1

Bill Rickleman Plumbing Pty Ltd
41 Barney Street
Kiama NSW 2533

Bill Rickleman

0403 358 269

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Billbergia Pty Ltd
Locked Bag 1400
Meadowbank NSW 2114

Eddie Lucas

0411 078 394
02 8878 6931

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Boomdell Pty Ltd
PO Box 902
St Marys NSW 1790

Willie Sheridan

0418 266 832
02 9623 3761

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Bray Civil Infrastructure Pty Ltd
38 Madeline Street
Strathfield South NSW 2136

Daryl Whyte

0459 131 921
02 9703 6696

MS  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Brian O'Mara & Partners Pty Ltd
Shop 4, 130 Main Street
Blacktown NSW 2148

Charlie Boulos

0414 015 870
02 9622 2879

MS  RW  S1  W1

C J Doyle Contracting Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 440
Hoxton Park NSW 2171

Daniel Johnston

0417 540 547
02 8784 1900

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Cadifern Pty Limited
PO Box 806
Thirroul NSW 2515

Helen Reilly

0423 571 860
02 4268 3503

LP  S1  S2  W1  W2

Carey Constructions (Australia) Pty Ltd
Suite 4.03, Podium Way
Oran Park NSW 2570

Casey Wilby

0409 510 318
02 9045 4600

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Carmelo Sant Group Pty Ltd
26 Bebe Avenue
Revesby NSW 2212

Belal Sabbagh

0420 499 499
1300 315 264

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1

CBK Constructions Pty Ltd
PO Box 52
Gerringong NSW 2534

Tara Sullivan

0418 553 398
02 4249 2360

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

CHR Draining Pty Ltd
Ground Floor, Suite WGA, 75–85 O'Riordan Street
Alexandria NSW 2015

Justin Hampton

0418 618 888
02 9669 2722

S1  S2  W1

Chrisos Civil Constructions Pty Ltd
7 Fortril Avenue
Bankstown NSW 2200

Elias Taouk

0404 235 523
02 8096 5088

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1

City Coast Services Pty Ltd
148 Princes Highway
Albion Park Rail NSW 2527

Darryl Smith

0431 688 587
02 4257 4500

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1

Civil & Tunnel Pty Ltd
Suite 6, Level 1, 3–5 Railway Street
Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Mark Doherty

0412 911 941
02 9838 4260
RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

CKD Group Pty Ltd T/A Chalker Plumbing
44 Crookston Drive
Camden South NSW 2570

Kurt Chalker

0405 770 562

S1  RW  MS  W1

Cleary Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
35 Broos Road
Oakville NSW 2765

Paul Cleary

0439 119 698
02 9894 8188

MS  RW  S1  >W1

Clifford Civil Pty Ltd
PO Box 541
Thirroul NSW 2515

Harry Clifford

0407 877 118
02 4267 1140

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Clogher Excavations Pty Ltd
PO Box 128
Guildford NSW 2161

Tom Clogher

0417 208 853
02 9892 4449

PE  RW  S1  W1  W2  W3

CNL Plumbing Pty Ltd
22 Shelton Avenue
Winmalee NSW 2777

Joseph (Joe) Lopez

0433 207 579
02 4754 4955

MS  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

C.N.R. Civil Pty Ltd
55 Shorter Avenue
Narwee NSW 2209

Con Rotziokos

0410 619 603

MS  RW  S1  W1

Cockerill Contracting Pty Ltd
66 Victoria Street
Riverstone NSW 2765

Robert Cockerill

0411 860 008

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Codmah Pty Ltd
Unit 1, 12 Weld Street
Prestons NSW 2170

John Murtagh

0413 074 392
02 9933 5604

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Comdain Civil Constructions Pty Ltd
Building M, 22 Powers Road
Seven Hills NSW 2147

Tony White

0407 075 967
02 8203 6200

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Corman Pty Ltd
PO Box 3355 Old Northern Road
Dural NSW 2158

Cyril Cryan

0418 468 198

AC  RW  S1  S2  W1  PE

D M Plumbing Pty Ltd
PO Box 634
Unanderra NSW 2526

Troy Williams

0419 848 322
02 4271 8122


D&W Plumbing and Civil Constructors Contractors Pty Ltd
PO Box 1123
Caringbah NSW 2229

Des White

0418 246 422
02 9540 5100

S1  S2  W1  W2

Dannik Civil Pty Ltd
24 Monro Avenue
Kirrawee NSW 2232

Daniel La Palombara

0412 207 888
02 9542 6172

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1

Dexcon Civil Pty Ltd
PO Box 411
Doonside NSW 2767

Mick Donnelly

0408 872 254
02 9832 4906

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Diona Pty Ltd
Level 2, 2 Burbank Place
Norwest NSW 2153

Megan Azad

0437 088 643
02 8808 5164

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Downer PipeTech Pty Ltd
50 Eastern Creek Drive
Eastern Creek NSW 2766

Abir Kassoual

0409 689 754
02 8603 2000

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Drains By John Vassallo Pty Ltd
Unit 3, 7 Carrington Road
Castle Hill NSW 2154

John Vassallo

0404 868 412
02 8850 1871


DSA Plumbing Pty Ltd
12 Wellington Street
Riverstone NSW 2765

Adam Anderson

0418 618 762

MS  RW  S1  W1

ECT Drainage Pty Ltd
Suite 240/30 Baywater Drive
Homebush NSW 2127

Sam Loutsopoulos

0411 575 801
02 9475 6116

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

EL Civil Engineering Pty Ltd
50 Lee and Clark Road
Kemps Creek NSW 2178

Leon Luo

0414 677 913

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Exact Civil Pty Ltd
PO Box 104
Blaxcell NSW 2142

Jerry Anjoul

0411 089 995

RW  S1  W1

Ferrycarrig Pipelines Pty Ltd
PO Box 5549
Chullora NSW 2190

Jason Fin

0423 634 489
02 8598 8505

PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Fluid Services
PO Box 3088
Grose Vale NSW 2753

Nicholas Batt

0415 885 632

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Foran Industries Pty Ltd
PO Box 167
Northmead NSW 2152

Luke Foran

0418 254 430
02 9624 7381

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

G & N Bloomfield Pty Ltd
86 Higginbotham Road
Ryde NSW 2112

Gary Bloomfield

0418 276 374
02 9808 4793

PE  RW  S1  W1

GHP Plumbing & Civil Pty Ltd
9 Hargraves Place
Wetherill Park NSW 2164

Mick Bailey

0414 250 044
02 9756 1623

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Glenmore Park Plumbing & Drainage Pty Ltd
PO Box 257
Penrith NSW 2750

Sterling Ashbee

0417 082 083
02 4739 2974

AC  MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Glennos Constructions Pty Ltd
PO Box 1007
Unanderra NSW 2526

David Banner

0407 713 722
02 4271 3722

PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Glenside Pipelines Pty Ltd
64 Kulgoa Road
Pymble NSW 2073

Michael Whooley

0408 609 177
02 9488 9631

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Global Corp Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 716
Camden NSW 2570

David Nakad

0450 222 662

MS  RW  S1  W1

Gold Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
23 Firth Avenue
Strathfield NSW 2135

Joseph Boutros

0414 969 049

S1  W1  RW

GPS Contracting Pty Ltd
24 Boronia Road
Glenorie NSW 2157

Todd Gray

0416 182 566
02 4577 8008

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Gregorace Plumbing Pty Ltd
U23, 16 Bernera Road
Prestons NSW 2170

Nick Gregorace

0419 256 074
02 8783 7720


MS  S1  W1

Gremalco Pty Ltd
49A Newton Road
Wetherill Park NSW 2164

Paul Gallo

0408 613 044

PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

GT Earthmoving Pty Ltd
PO Box 559
Windsor NSW 2756

John Gregory

0418 265 383
02 4573 6312

RW  S1  W1

Hillsside Excavations Pty Ltd
8 Edwards Road
Nelson NSW 2765

John Sultana

0410 412 277
02 9679 0060

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  W1

Hitec Drainage (NSW) Pty Ltd
PO Box 75
West Hoxton NSW 2171

Michael Trovato

0414 694 080
02 9606 6448

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Interflow Pty Ltd
245 Toongabbie Road
Girraween NSW 2145

Sara Ashrafi

0409 735 776
02 9636 0117

PE  LP  S1  S2  W1  W2

JBH Constructions Pty Ltd
50 Baden Street
Greystanes NSW 2145

Joseph Hughes

0419 407 504
02 9688 2412

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

JC Excavations (Australia) Pty Ltd
14 Redfern Street
Wetherill Park NSW 2164

John Culleton

0400 462 805
02 9757 1005

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Jeremy Macpherson Plumbing
234 Taren Point Road
Caringbah NSW 2229

Jeremy Macpherson

0418 410 458
02 9524 6656

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

JMF Plumbing Pty Ltd
1865 Yarramalong Road
Yarramalong NSW 2259

John Flint

0409 830 715

MS  S1  S2

John Gardiner Plumbing Pty Ltd
1390 Remembrance Driveway
Razorback NSW 2571

John Gardiner

0418 675 434

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  W1

John R Keith Contracting Pty Ltd (S2 on App)
91–101 Hutchinson Street
St Peters NSW 2044

John Keith

02 9519 2200

RW  S1  W1

Jon Bova Plumbing Pty Ltd (Provisional)
Unit 5, 38 Waratah Street
Kirrawee NSW 2232

Jon Bova

0408 616 996
02 9542 2554

MS  PE  RW  S1  W1

Jonava Investments Pty Ltd T/A White Water Plumbing
PO Box 650
Wentworthville NSW 2145

Anthony Gordon

0419 449 742
02 9896 2165

RW  S1  W1

Jonishan Pty Ltd
Suite 202, 29–31 Solent Circuit
Norwest NSW 2153

John R. Shannon

0417 293 793

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Joseph Plumbing
3 Nanowie Street
Narwee NSW 2209

Youssef Nasrallah

0400 991 822

MS  S1  S2  W1

K3 Plumbing Services Pty Limited
45 Kens Road
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

Ken Bucknall

0418 283 834
02 9452 4996

AC  MS  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Kadyn Drainage Pty Ltd
PO Box 3046
Wamberal NSW 2260

Adam Rose

0417 297 363
02 4385 3071

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Kanal Construction Pty Ltd
3 Owen Street
Wentworthville NSW 2145

Kan Kanagaretnam

0401 816 390
02 9863 1936

RW  S1  W1

KHP Services Pty Ltd T/A Ken Hale Plumbing
PO Box 89
Mulgoa NSW 2745

Ken Hale

0414 446 596
02 4773 9830

MS  RW  S1  W1

Killard Infrastructure Pty Ltd
Level 2, 255 Rawson Street
Auburn NSW 2144

Jerry Daly

0417 267 147
02 9638 7000

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

KMT Drainage Pty Limited
23 Windsor Street
Richmond NSW 2753

Keith Tate

0419 646 839
02 4578 3871

S1  W1

KNA Plumbing Pty Ltd
14 Mertz Place
Leumeah NSW 2560

Nick Axougas

0408 224 376
02 9603 2628

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  W1

Leroy Excavations Pty Ltd
PO Box 121
Douglas Park NSW 2569

Lance Godfrey

0418 270 558
02 4632 7020

MS  S1  S2  W1

Liberty Plumbing Pty Ltd
10 Badham Street
Merrylands NSW 2160

George Georges

0410 340 001

MS  S1

Linbeck Contractors
PO Box 195
Riverstone NSW 2765

Daniel Lynch

0421 853 500
02 9627 1680

MS  RW  S1  W1

Link Plumbing (Aust) Pty Ltd
16 Hocking Avenue
Earlwood NSW 2206

Peter Zeritis

0418 611 688
02 9558 4610

PE  RW  S1  W1

Live Project Services Pty Ltd
Suite 801, Level 8, 11 Help Street
Chatswood NSW 2067

Ryan Venville

0411 122 203

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Lizmick Civil Contracting Pty Ltd
6 Brandywell Close
Glenorie NSW 2157

Wayne Duffy

0450 521 943

MS  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

M.J. Owens Plumbing
PO Box 345
Kiama NSW 2533

Matthew Owens

0418 281 025

S1  W1

Main Flow Civil & Plumbing Service Pty Ltd
PO Box 5347
Chullora NSW 2190

Michael Taouk

0416 177 217
02 9742 5965

RW  S1  S2  W1

Mallia Plumbing Pty Ltd
19 Huntingdale Close
Shellharbour NSW 2529

John Mallia

0412 939 727

S1  W1

McPherson Plumbing Pty Ltd
2 Sailfind Place
Erina NSW 2250

Jake McPherson

0419 600 313
02 4343 4200

S1  W1

MGP Civil Contractors
70–72 Edward Street
Riverstone NSW 2765

Michael Graham

0414 682 051
02 9627 9190

AC  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Mikcon Pty Ltd
PO Box 715
Castle Hill NSW 1765

Michael Conneely

0415 791 301
02 8858 4600

MS  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Multitask Civil Pty Ltd
149 Willeroo Drive
Windsor Downs NSW 2756

Joe Belcastro

0418 447 138
02 4572 0690

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Murphy McCarthy & Associates Pty Ltd
43 Hubert Street
Leichhardt NSW 2040

Shane McCarthy

0407 802 511
02 9568 6016

MS  PE  LP  S1  S2  RW  W1  W2

Mystold Pty Ltd
PO Box 897
Seven Hills NSW 2147

Declan Crowley

0417 682 781
02 9620 8020

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

National Rock Sawing
Level 1, 135 Queen Street
Campbelltown NSW 2560

Lee Fahey

0407 499 140
02 9771 4853

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W4

Neverstop Water Group
10/32 Campbell Avenue
Cromer NSW 2099

Renni Pitkanen

0407 711 009
1300 679 283

MS  RW  PE  LP  S1  S2  W1  W2

Nova Civil Pty Ltd
PO Box 12
Enfield NSW 2136

John Whelan

0423 309 232
02 9747 8822

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

NSW Contracting Pty Ltd
PO Box 357
Double Bay NSW 1360

Jay Joyce

0415 128 995
02 9661 6227

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Orangeville Enterprises
27–29 Rodeo Road
Gregory Hills NSW 2557

Jason Bartolo

0418 410 134

PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Penrith Lakes Plumbing Pty Ltd
5 Pullman Place
Emu Plains NSW 2750

Troy Brown

0411 850 660
02 4722 005

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1

Perfect Pipes Pty Ltd
7/14 Anderson Street
Banksmeadow NSW 2019

Mark Devereux

0412 280 527
02 9666 3506

S1  S2  W1  W2

Performance Plumbing
3 Platts Avenue
Belmore NSW 2192

Robert Sukkar

0400 824 875

MS  S1  S2  W1  W2  LP  PE

Pezzimenti Tunnelbore Pty Ltd
12 Mackellar Street
Emu Plains NSW 2750

Scott Wells

0402 092 759
02 4735 6676

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Pharoahs Plumbing Pty Ltd
PO Box 355
Revesby North NSW 2212

Khaled Mahmoud

0414 699 551

PE  S1  S2  W1

Planet Plumbing (NSW) Pty Ltd
12 Harp Street
Campsie NSW 2194

Anthony Alafaci

0447 773 777
1300 955 083

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

PLS Contracting
64 Pitt Street
Richmond NSW 2753

Peter Staples

0404 065 351
02 4588 5351

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  W1

Plumbview Civil Pty Ltd
Unit 31/276 Victoria Street
Wetherill Park NSW 2164

Claude Douoihy

0414 891 744

AC  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Punchline Excavations Pty Ltd
17/116 McCredie Road
Guildford West NSW 2161

Charlie Tannous

0405 260 552

PE  LP  MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

PWG Infrastructure Pty Ltd
PO Box 326
Kellyville NSW 2155

Paul Ferguson

0420 587 378

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Quality Management & Constructions Pty Ltd (QMC Group)
Suite 208, 29–31 Lexington Drive
Bella Vista NSW 2153

Tylie Kerin

0416 091 712
02 8882 8000

S1  W1

Quickway Water Pty Ltd
Unit 40, 2 Slough Avenue
Silverwater NSW 2128

Emily Lynott

02 9644 6333

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

R.A. Smith Contracting Pty Ltd
PO Box 82
Moorebank NSW 1875

Tim Smith

0407 411 320
02 9601 8366

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Rabs Plumbing Services
1 Gatwood Close
Padstow NSW 2211

Mick Malass

0401 700 500
02 9791 2111

PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Rammal Plumbing Pty Ltd
24 Warraba Street
Hurstville NSW 2220

Mohamad Rammal

0410 000 074

MS  RW  S1  W1

Rightline Plumbing & Civil Excavation Contractors (W2 & S2)
PO Box 1262
Camden NSW 2570

Ryan Ingleton

0411 687 305

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Road and Rail Excavations Pty Ltd
2/17 Mount Erin Road
Campbelltown NSW 2560

Adrian Ruane

0414 594 063

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Rob Carr Pty Ltd
PO Box 6103
Yatala NSW 4207

Angelo Soumboulidis

0413 019 143
1300 883 602

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Robert Nakhoul Plumbing
221 Blaxcell Street
Granville NSW 2142

Robert Nakhoul

0409 916 050

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1

Romano Plumbing Pty Ltd
790a Fifteenth Avenue
Rossmore NSW 2557

Pasquale (Pat) Romano

0417 287 608
02 9606 8250

AC  MS  RW  S1  S2  W1

S & M Spiteri Constructions Pty Ltd (W2 on App)
PO Box 277
Glenorie NSW 2157

George Spiteri

0418 299 229

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

S & S Foley Pty Ltd
PO Box 489
Kiama NSW 2533

Peter Yates

0409 725 456
02 4257 7647

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Sewer Main Construction
3 Nanowie Street
Narwee NSW 2209

Muhammed Nasrallah

0433 119 856
02 9596 1882

  MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  W1

Sewer Surveys Pty Ltd
38–40 Parramatta Road
Summer Hill NSW 2130

Niall Killalea

0424 270 052

MS  RW  S1  W1

Smart Plumbing Solutions Pty Ltd
PO Box 466
Leichhardt NSW 2040

Vince Molluso

0400 111 444
02 9569 1576

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

SPE Civil Pty Ltd
11/26 Meta Street
Taren Point NSW 2229

Adam Bitic

0424 176 656

PE  LP  RW  S1  W1

Springfield Civil
PO Box 5893
Minto NSW 2560

Andrew Ellis

0439 404 711
02 9820 3197

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Stephen Todd Contractors (NSW) Pty Ltd
PO Box 6
St Leonards NSW 1590

Ed Day

0418 277 583
02 9439 0299

MS  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Strata Concepts
6/2 Commerce Drive
Warilla NSW 2528

Travis Easther

0431 387 517
02 4295 5555


PE  LP  S1  W1

Strathfield Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 674
Strathfield NSW 2135

Raymond Roumanous

0410 441 441

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Streamline Plumbing Sydney Pty Ltd
2 Orange Street
Eastwood NSW 2122

Glenn Li

0405 778 788

MS  RW  S1  W1

Suir Excavations Pty Ltd
16 Bromley Road
Emu Plains NSW 2750

Frank Norris

0412 653 861
02 4735 8955

AC  PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Sydney Water – Water Services Division (Construction)
Ashby Avenue
Yagoona NSW 2199

Sri Sritharan

0408 023 171
02 9644 0631

RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

T & G Evans Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
173a Sutherland Road
Jannali NSW 2226

Tom Evans

0412 284 000


Trazlbat Pty Ltd
D14, 101 Rookwood Road
Yagoona NSW 2199

John O'Connor

0411 153 589
02 9791 9522

PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Trueflow Infrastructure Pty Ltd
PO Box 64
Belfield NSW 2191

Rony Obeid

0498 888 898
02 9718 0732

PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Vaughan Civil Pty Ltd
Suite 2, 95–97 Grafton Street
Bondi Junction NSW 2022

Méabh Daly

0406 579 185
02 9389 0040

PE  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  W3

Vermont Civil Pty Ltd
1 Johnston Street
Pitt Town NSW 2756

Jon Waller

0407 723 001

PE  LP  RW  S1  W1

Virtus Infrastructure Pty Ltd
29 Sir Joseph Banks Street
Botany NSW 2019

Julian Stambe

0417 235 363

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1

W & D Robson Plumbing Pty Ltd
30 Murray Road
Corrimal NSW 2518

Dean Robson

0423 602 540
02 4283 6648

RW  S1  W1  W2

Ward Civil & Environmental Engineering Pty Ltd
2–6 Orion Road
Lane Cove NSW 2066

Brian Mahon

02 9438 3666
0408 378 139

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Water Brothers Group Pty Ltd T/A WB Infrastructure
21–25 Production Avenue
Kogarah NSW 2217

William Lazarou

0416 856 168
1300 969 597

MS  S1  W1

Watertight Group Pty Ltd
PO Box 174
North Revesby NSW 2212

Paul Tonks

0409 825 581
02 9774 2654

MS  S1  W1

Williams Bros Contracting
PO Box 111
Winston Hills NSW 2153

Blake Cox

0418 115 082
02 8883 0177

MS  PE  LP  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2  PC

WorldMark Civil Pty Ltd
16/116 McCredie Road
Guildford NSW 2161

Donald Bejjani

0421 300 579
02 9632 2255

MS  RW  S1  S2  W1  W2

Zaoud Plumbing Pty Ltd
79 Pegler Avenue
South Granville NSW 2142

Khaled Zaoud

0406 296 902
02 9885 1419

MS  RW  W1  S1