Youth Eco Summit 2024

The YES event is back and it’s just as exciting as ever

YES (Youth Eco Summit) is back again in 2024! Now in its' 14th year, many schools will return with their students, to experience sustainability in action! Celebrate the end of Term 3 and Biodiversity Month, by attending one of the biggest youth sustainability events in NSW. YES, brings together the best of the best when it comes to all facets of sustainability, attracting more than 30 Providers who run hands on workshops, fun interactive displays, and large scale stage shows.

In 2024 the YES event will be hosted by Sydney Water at Newington Armory, Sydney Olympic Park. In the past this outstanding environmental education event has been run successfully by the Sydney Olympic Park Authority (SOPA) Education Team. The Sydney Water Community Education Team are pleased to be able to continue its tradition of educating the next generation on the importance of sustainability and Care for Country.

Event Details

This year we will be back at the Newington Army, a venue filled with rich history and culture.

Date  25-26 September 2024 (students can attend day 1 or day 2)
Time 9:30am-2pm
Location Newington Armory, Jamieson Street, Sydney Olympic Park NSW, Australia 2127
Target stages 2 and 3
Price Free

School Registration

The YES Event is targeted to Stages 2 and 3, who are our future generation of leaders, professionals, and change makers. They will come out of this event educated about sustainability, inspired to drive change, and make a positive impact on the environment and its inhabitants.

  • This year students and teachers are able to attend this event for free. Places will fill up quickly so don’t miss out and register today!
  • We have a great list of workshops lined up that will empower your students to make their impact on sustainability 
  • You can register as many classes for the event as you like however, workshops cater to 1 class (no more than 30 students) at a time.
  • We will be in contact with you closer to the day, to book in which workshops your classes would like to attend!

Teachers, to register your classes to YES 2024 please fill out the form below.


Providers Registration

Over the past few years, the YES Event have had a range of creative, inspiring and empowering providers who drive sustainable change among our school students

This year we would like to welcome back any past providers and new providers who would like to make an impact on sustainability.

As a provider you will be running a workshop and/or an interactive display across the 2 event days. Students will book into your workshops for each session and will roam through interactive displays throughout the day.

If you would like to participate through an interactive stall or workshop, please indicate your interest by completing the following form and we will be in contact.


Workshops, Shows, Interative Displays

This year we will be having fun interactive displays, hands on workshops and an amazing live show from Fizzics! YES, is all for learning about sustainability in creative and fun ways.


With a range of providers from various industries, background, experiences and sustainability initiatives, this event is not one to miss!

Getting there

There are 2 ways to get to YES 2024 at Newington Armory, Sydney Olympic Park:

By Bus

Buses can set down/pick up at the end of Jamieson Street, Sydney Olympic Park (Newington Armory). Buses are not permitted to park in this location. Further instructions will be given to those who need to park their bus all day. 

By Car

All day free car parking is located at the nearby Blaxland Riverside car park, located off Jamieson Street, Sydney Olympic Park. There is then a short 5 min walk to the event site.

Further transport and parking information will be provided to registered teachers closer to the event.

Contact us

If you have any questions or require further information, please reach out by email to

We look forward to having you at the YES 2024!