Picton Wastewater Scheme

Improving wastewater services and providing recycled water for the community

Sydney Water provides wastewater services to Picton, Tahmoor, Thirlmere, Bargo and Buxton as part of the Picton Wastewater Scheme. Wastewater from homes and businesses is treated at the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility to produce recycled water, which is used to irrigate crops at our Picton Farm.

We've been looking at alternative ways to manage the recycled water we produce at the Picton facility and expand the Picton Wastewater Scheme to support growth and protect the environment. This includes opportunities to increase the use of recycled water in the community.

Picton Water Resource
Recovery Facility

The Picton Wastewater Scheme includes pipelines, pumping stations and the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility.

The Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility treats wastewater that's been used in homes and businesses in the Picton area and uses multiple steps and processes (screening, biological treatment, clarification, filtration and disinfection) to produce high quality tertiary-treated recycled water.

We currently use the recycled water for irrigating 119 hectares of land on our 175-hectare farm.

In limited circumstances, excess recycled water can be released into Stonequarry Creek. This is controlled through an Environment Protection Licence for the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility, which is regulated by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). The frequency and amount of recycled water that can be released must comply with the conditions set by the EPA.

Recycled water is used to irrigate fodder crops at Picton Farm.

We've been assessing and making improvements to the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility over a number of years. This includes:

  • investigating infiltration into our wastewater system during wet weather
  • increasing the capacity of the Picton facility to be able to treat larger volumes of wastewater
  • building pilot wetlands to minimise the nutrient levels in the recycled water and improve water quality 
  • trialling a macroalgae project to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous levels in the recycled water and minimise impacts on local waterways
  • installing new equipment at the Picton facility to further minimise impacts on the environment.

Expanding the wastewater scheme

As communities in the Picton area continue to grow, wastewater flows to the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility have increased, exceeding the capacity at our farm to reuse all the recycled water we produce. This impacts our ability to allow new wastewater connections to the Picton Wastewater Scheme for housing and growth.

We've been working on a plan to expand and upgrade the Picton Wastewater Scheme and manage the excess recycled water we produce at the Picton facility. This includes consulting with the EPA and Wollondilly Shire Council to identify options that:

  • could service growth
  • are cost-effective
  • maintain local waterway health.

Although developing this plan is complex and challenging, we are committed to providing a reliable and sustainable water resource recovery facility that enables development for new homes and businesses in the area to connect to the wastewater system.

Wastewater connection criteria and requirements

In May 2023, the EPA approved Sydney Water's Licence Variation for its Environment Protection Licence (with new conditions) for the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility.

Until the required improvements are completed at the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility, proposed developments will only be able to connect to the Picton Wastewater Scheme that meet the required criteria.

The criteria, timing and our approach for new wastewater connections within the Picton Scheme will need to be in line with requirements set by the EPA for how we operate the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility and any infrastructure that needs to be built.

We are working together with Wollondilly Shire Council to ensure that development applications are assessed as efficiently as possible, and meet the criteria and requirements for new wastewater connections

Learn more
Our Picton Wastewater Scheme – Requirements for new connections fact sheet provides important information about the specific criteria and requirements for new developments and connections to the Picton Wastewater Scheme.

Investigating recycled water opportunities

We're investigating the potential of a recycled water scheme to service properties in the Picton area and are currently assessing the feasibility of the project.

As part of our investigations, we are working closely with Wollondilly Shire Council, and engaging with local businesses and property owners to better understand:

  • how they currently use water on their property
  • their long-term water needs
  • their level of interest in having access to high quality recycled water
  • what they might see as the challenges or benefits of using recycled water.

The feedback we receive is important and will help us shape a recycled water scheme for the Picton area that supports the community, is cost-effective and protects the environment.

To learn more about how we produce and use recycled water as part of the Picton Wastewater Scheme, visit Sydney Water Talk.