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We are responsible for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis precincts' major stormwater infrastructure. This integrated water system will be the largest stormwater harvesting scheme in Australia. Information on this page will help developers applying for Section 73 Compliance Certificates.
To support liveable cities and healthy, resilient communities as Western Sydney grows, the NSW Government introduced new waterway health targets for the Wianamatta–South Creek catchment. To achieve these environmental, social and economic objectives, we must take a new approach to planning growth. We need to integrate water management early and protect sensitive waterways to prevent degradation, erosion and pollution as development occurs.
We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink how we deliver essential infrastructure and services, integrating them with the natural landscape to create more sustainable, resilient and liveable places.
In 2022, the NSW Government appointed us as the Regional Stormwater Authority for the 5 Western Sydney Aerotropolis initial precincts: Mamre Road, Bradfield, Badgerys Creek, Northern Gateway and Agribusiness. We're responsible for delivering, managing and maintaining the regional stormwater network, along with drinking water, wastewater and recycled water networks, on behalf of the government.
We're managing the Aerotropolis initial precincts' drainage networks in partnership with Penrith City and Liverpool City councils, who will manage the non-trunk drainage stormwater network within the roads and streets.
Stormwater infrastructure requires significant investment. We will deliver investment gradually over the next 10–20 years in alignment with the predicted completion of the precincts. This will minimise and manage the impacts of development in the Aerotropolis as it occurs.
However, to support development before the scheme design and registered Development Servicing Plans with the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) are finalised, we're adopting a Stormwater Infrastructure Contribution Bond for the 4 remaining Aerotropolis initial precincts: Bradfield, Badgerys Creek, Northern Gateway and Agribusiness.
The bonding amount acts as financial security. It ensures that all developments across the Aerotropolis initial precincts contribute to the cost of providing stormwater services. It also allows us to progress Section 73 compliance certificates for developments proceeding before registered Development Servicing Plans are in place.
A bonding rate of $1.019 million per developable hectare ($FY25) has been set based on efficiencies and learnings from IPART's review of the Mamre Road Precinct scheme. It is 40% less than initial estimates and will increase each year in line with CPI.
We're working to further optimise the design and configuration for the scheme while we maintain a focus on achieving the waterway health targets and adopting what we've learnt from the Mamre Road Precinct. As a result, the bonding amount may change as we continue to work with developers and the government. We'll regularly review the bond amount and may update it to reflect future scheme costs.
In late 2025, once planning is complete, we will publicly exhibit draft Development Servicing Plans and associated infrastructure charges before registering them with IPART. We may register more than one Development Servicing Plan for the Aerotropolis initial precincts based on final scheme designs and configurations.
Our approach to stormwater infrastructure contribution bonding reflects our commitment to delivering efficient and timely investment in the Aerotropolis precincts to support urban development. If you're planning developments in the Aerotropolis initial precincts, engage with us as soon as possible. We need to explore how to optimise and integrate your development with the stormwater scheme to minimise costs and maximise developable land while achieving the waterway health objectives.
Call 13 20 92 8am–5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays) and ask for the City, Growth & Development team, or email aerostormwater@sydneywater.com.au.
If you're constructing works that we require, your design needs to be certified before you can start work. All design work should be consistent with the draft Stormwater scheme infrastructure design guideline: Western Sydney and its appendices:
We'll list the area's stormwater schemes for developers here as they're finalised. You can find out more about the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Stormwater project in Sydney Water Talk.
Document | What it's about |
Policy applies to the Mamre Road and Aerotropolis initial precincts and prepared in consultation with industry and government stakeholders. Stipulates how developers will be reimbursed for design and construction of regional stormwater infrastructure on our behalf in these precincts.* |
This attachment to the stormwater developer works policy lists the defined extent for stormwater infrastructure works for reimbursement. |
Guiding principles for stormwater schemes with input from the development industry in 2022. |
Guidance on the calculation of Net Developable Area (NDA). Applies to development proposals in the Mamre Road and Aerotropolis initial precincts. |
Mamre Road precinct integrated stormwater scheme plan update |
View the Mamre Road precinct integrated stormwater scheme plan update. |
Shows the regional stormwater and recycled water infrastructure required to service the Mamre Road Precinct, which we will manage. |
Detail of the integrated stormwater scheme assets for the Mamre Road Precinct. Download the GIS and MUSIC model files to integrate into development applications in the precinct. |
Detail of the integrated stormwater scheme assets for the Mamre Road Precinct. Download these files to integrate into development applications in the precinct. |
* Sydney Water is nearing finalisation of the NSW Government approval process for funding of the Mamre Road Stormwater Scheme. We're currently in the process of scheme planning for the Aerotropolis initial precincts. Once Development Services Plans have been registered with IPART for these areas, we can enter into commercial agreements with developers and landowners for the funding of developer-delivered stormwater infrastructure. Consequently, any expenditure by a developer or landowner on stormwater infrastructure prior to finalisation of this approval process remains at their own risk. Until then, we will not take ownership of, nor reimburse costs associated with, stormwater infrastructure or servicing.