Smart meter water efficiency program

Join our free, invitation-only pilot for major sites

We've fast-tracked installation of smart meters for sites identified as our largest water users. Your site is among them. Now, we invite you to join an exclusive new water efficiency pilot program. By alerting you to leaks and other potential issues, it could save you significant amounts of water and costs on your water bills.

About the pilot program

Unlike mechanical meters that are read manually every 3 months, digital smart meters collect your site's water use readings automatically every hour. This enables us to provide insights to potential water saving opportunities for your organisation. The more water you currently use, the greater your potential to save.

What you'll get for free:

  • free customised analysis and insights on the site's weekly water use – we'll help you identify ways to lower costs
  • SMS, email or phone call notifications if we detect a potential leak
  • tailored report to demonstrate how much water you can potentially collect in a rainwater tank
  • ongoing support to benchmark your organisation's water use and recommendations on efficiency improvements.

We're trialling the program until June 2024. If it successfully delivers the water efficiencies we expect for sites like yours, it will be continued.

Detailed hourly reports reveal spikes in water use throughout the day.

Illustrative scenarios

You're a large shopping centre

Through details you provided when you signed up for this program, we know you shouldn't use water constantly overnight as the centre is closed. However, there’s a continuous flow pattern in your hourly water use readings. There could be a leak. We quantify the potential water loss and how much it's costing you. We offer existing Sydney Water services to help find and solve the leak.

You're a large manufacturer

We understand your water use patterns. Through the details you provided when you signed up for this program, we also know that some of your manufacturing processes don't require fully treated drinking water. Could rainwater harvesting provide worthwhile savings? We analyse weather data for rainfall in your area, confirm that rainwater harvesting is a viable option, and determine the most efficient size of rainwater tank for your site. We'll provide you with a costing and – more importantly – return on investment.

How to sign up

To make your smart meter's weekly reports and analysis as relevant as possible, we need a few specifics about your site and how it uses water. Provide these details when you accept. It will take about 15 minutes. Your Sydney Water relationship manager or one of our Water Conservation Project Officers will contact you.

Your participation means a lot

The insights you gain about your water use are important to us, too. They'll inform programs we conduct to support major business developments throughout Greater Sydney in the future.

Haven't got a smart meter yet? Want to know more?
Major sites with high water use are our top priority. If we haven't installed a free smart meter on your site yet, get in touch. Call us on 0458 502 725 8am–4pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays) or email