Using sprinklers and watering systems

Under the Water Wise Guidelines:

  • Watering gardens and lawns is permitted before 10am and after 4pm. There are 3 permitted watering methods: hand-held hose with an instant on-off mechanism (such as a trigger nozzle), sprinklers or watering systems.
  • Smart watering systems or drip irrigation systems may be used between 10am and 4pm.
  • Hoses and taps must never be left running unattended.
  • Water run-off or overspray onto hard surfaces like pathways isn't permitted.

Before reporting, please check special circumstances and exclusions.

Using hand-held hoses

Under the Water Wise Guidelines:

  • Watering gardens and lawns is permitted before 10am and after 4pm. There are 3 permitted watering methods: hand-held hose with an instant on-off mechanism (such as a trigger nozzle), sprinklers or watering systems.
  • Hoses and taps must never be left running unattended.
  • Water run-off or overspray onto hard surfaces like pathways isn't permitted.

Before reporting, please check special circumstances and exclusions.

Hosing hard surfaces

Under the Water Wise Guidelines:

  • Cleaning hard surfaces like paths, driveways, concrete or other paved areas with water is not permitted unless necessary for safety, health or emergency reasons, construction activity or surface contamination.
  • Hoses and taps must never be left running unattended.
  • Water run-off or overspray onto hard surfaces like pathways isn't permitted.

Before reporting, please check special circumstances and exclusions.

Using fire hoses and systems

Under the Water Wise Guidelines:

  • Fire hoses must never be used for anything other than firefighting.

Before reporting, please check special circumstances and exclusions.

What would you like to report?

Make a report about Water Wise Guidelines  >  placeholder

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(or any other number contactable Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm)

Activity details

Time of activity witnessed

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    Please only upload a maximum of 6 files.

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    I confirm that the information provided in this form is true, complete and accurate.

    Your privacy
    When you contact us, we collect your personal information so our staff can record and respond to your Water Wise Guidelines report. If you don't supply all the information we need, we may not be able to follow up on your report. You can contact us at any time to view or correct this information. Find out how we protect your privacy.

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    We've received your report about Water Wise Guidelines

    Thank you for taking the time to tell us what you've seen. Water is a precious resource and we need to work together to help save it wherever possible.

    We'll review your report to decide if we need to investigate the activity.

    We can't issue fines unless our authorised staff personally witness an inappropriate use of water.

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    We can't receive your report at the moment. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please try again later or call 13 20 92 8:30am–5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays).