Microsoft Teams meetings and privacy

How we manage your personal information

This privacy collection notice explains how we manage the personal information that we collect when we record and/or transcribe a Microsoft Teams meeting. We protect the privacy of your personal information in line with our obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act).

How you'll know if a meeting is recorded or transcribed

A banner will be displayed on your screen to let you know the meeting will be recorded and/or transcribed. If you use your phone, you will hear an automated notification before you join the meeting. Before the meeting organiser activates the recording and/or transcription feature, they may also alert you and all other meeting attendees that the meeting is to be recorded and/or transcribed.

The personal information we collect

When you participate in a Microsoft Teams meeting that is being recorded and/or transcribed, we may collect this personal information:

  • your first and last name, or the display name you used when you joined the meeting
  • your profile picture
  • your email address and phone number
  • your voice and image
  • the time you join and leave the meeting
  • the opinions or personal views that may be expressed about or by you during the meeting
  • your location
  • the written text you may have placed in the Microsoft Teams chat function.

Why we collect personal information

Microsoft Teams is the collaborative communication platform we use to facilitate virtual meetings. Some meetings we conduct on Microsoft Teams may be recorded or transcribed, or both. It depends on the purpose and nature of the meetings. Recording and transcribing these meetings helps the organiser compile meeting notes by being able to review and reference what has been covered within the virtual meeting. It also allows the organiser to capture presentations and information shared by participants in these virtual meetings for future reference.

How we use and disclose personal information

The meeting recording and transcription files are accessible only to people who work at Sydney Water and have a valid reason to access and use them to review or catch up on a meeting, or to generate meeting minutes. We don’t disclose these files to anyone else or any other organisation outside Sydney Water except when required under law.

Files are automatically deleted after 120 days unless the meeting organiser changes the retention period or the files are stored in accordance with records management requirements.

Do you have to provide personal information?

If you've been invited to a recorded virtual meeting and your attendance is voluntary, then you're not obliged to join or share your personal information with us.

Alternatively, you can attend with your camera off and turn off 'automatically identify me in meeting captions and transcripts' in settings. Instructions on how to hide your identity in meeting captions and transcripts in Microsoft Teams are on the Microsoft website.

Your participation in the meeting may be limited if you choose not to provide your information to us. You have the option to leave the meeting at any time.

If you're a Sydney Water employee, your attendance at the meeting may be required. Speak to your manager if you're concerned about the meeting being recorded or transcribed.

Please be mindful not to supply any additional personal or health information during the meeting that you don't want recorded. 

How you can access and update personal information

You have the right to access and amend your personal information. Please email the Privacy team at Sydney Water at and refer to our privacy statement for further information.