My Account for managing agents

Why waste time?

My Account is built to streamline paperwork and cut hours of admin each week on the properties you manage. If you haven't gone paperless, don't put it off any longer.

Save time: go paperless in My Account

You'll never again have to deal with individual paper bills for each client. We'll email you convenient daily zip files containing all your clients' bills. Because no one else has login access, client details are always secure. You'll receive the eBill notification for each property registered with your agency, and the owner can view the bill through their own My Account registration.

Being registered with My Account lets you:

  • create portfolios to manage groups of properties
  • view individual client bills online
  • access up to 3 years of payment and billing history
  • update your mailing address
  • easily add and remove properties
  • reduce your carbon footprint with paperless bills and updates.

When you add new properties, we'll use the company name registered with your ABN, not your trading name. This ensures we're consistent when we send bills to you.

For a limited time, we'll migrate your properties for you

Until 31 May, we have a dedicated team to make your agency's transition to paperless seamless and fast.

Register for My Account now and add just one property. Then, send us your payment ledger spreadsheet. We'll do the rest.

All you need to do

Step 1 Register for My Account if you haven't already. Be sure to include your ABN to be directed to My Account for managing agents. Add one property to get started.

Step 2 Email us at Attach a copy of your payment ledger spreadsheet, including your tenants' payment numbers. In your email, check that you've included:

  • a contact at your agency to work with
  • the email address you registered for My Account
  • your agency's ABN  
  • your agency's mailing address.

A payment ledger will contain the information we need for each property. Alternatively, you can send us a table that lists the payment number and address for each property.

Registration tips

  • You must include your agency's ABN. This ensures your agency can get access to My Account for managing agents.
  • Register the email address where you want all eBill notifications to be sent. Make sure that multiple colleagues can access it. It's your agency's My Account login.
  • When registering, leave the given name blank and put your agency name in the family name field.
  • At least one property must be added to activate your My Account registration.
  • To add a property owned by a company, you'll need to provide their ABN. If the company doesn't have a valid ABN or only has an ACN, you can enter your agency's ABN to complete the process. Your ABN won't be saved against the property.

If you have questions
Call us on 13 20 92 8am–5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

How to add and remove properties

Log in to My Account and select the 'Manage properties' tab. It's easy to add and remove individual properties.

  • The easiest way to add a property is to have a copy of the last bill. You'll need the payment number, online ID and the owner's family name or company name.
  • To add a property owned by a company, you'll need to provide an ABN. If the company doesn't have a valid ABN or only has an ACN, you can enter your agency's ABN to complete the process. Your ABN won't be saved against the property.
  • When you remove a property, the mailing address will revert to the property address. If the property management has moved to another agency, it will be automatically transferred from your My Account list when they add it to theirs.

How to use the portfolio feature

Portfolio allows you to group properties within My Account. How you use your portfolios is up to you. You may want to group properties based on the individual agent who manages them. Or perhaps owners have multiple properties, and you find it easier to group them that way. Removing a property from a portfolio does not remove it from your overall My Account property listing. When you remove it from My Account, you'll also remove it from the portfolio.

How to change your mailing address

Just log in to My Account and select the 'Manage properties' tab. Then, you can change the mailing address for a single property or all properties if your agency is receiving the bills on behalf of the owner. When you select a property, you can choose to update just the mailing address for that property or for all properties.

If you're still getting paper bills, you can switch all properties to paperless in one go.

Don't use this function if the bill is being sent to a property owner and not to your agency. If you add addresses not related to your agency, they'll appear in the drop-down list of mailing addresses available for all properties.

Tips and tricks

  • Add to your safe sender list. This is where the eBill notification will come from.
  • If you're not getting the eBill notification for a property that's listed as paperless, change it to paper and then back to paperless.
  • If the property has been registered for BPAY View, you won't receive an eBill notification. The person who set up BPAY View will need to cancel it so your agency can receive the eBill in future. You can check this in 'manage bill delivery' in My Account where it shows 'email being sent to another user'. If you've already done the step above, it's likely the property is registered for BPAY View.