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You may need to purchase meter readings, certificates, documents or diagrams if you're buying or selling a property, or building on or developing land. This helps you and your contractors stay in control of your requirements, keep clear of our assets and make accurate adjustments at settlement.
A conveyancing certificate (also known as a section 66 certificate) identifies outstanding property charges. The selling agent and the conveyancer use the information on the certificate to allocate outstanding charges between the current and new owner.
Ask one of our Property Link brokers to apply for you – they'll charge for the certificate and add their agent fee. You can find out how much a certificate will cost at prices for other services.
A service location print shows:
Selling agents and conveyancers use the diagram to provide information about our pipes. The information it provides helps you check:
Apply at Sydney Water Tap in. Alternatively, ask one of our Property Link brokers to apply for you – they'll charge for the print and add their agent fee. You can find out how much a print will cost at prices for other services.
A sewer service diagram (also known as a property sewerage diagram or sewer diagram) shows the private wastewater pipes on a property. Buildings and pipes are shown, but not pools. NSW Fair Trading and now Building Commission NSW have inspected private plumbing work since 2012. Before 2012, Sydney Water inspected private plumbing.
Selling agents and conveyancers use this diagram to check if:
Plumbers also use these diagrams so they can clear blockages or change pipes.
Ask one of our Property Link brokers to apply for you – they'll charge for the diagram and add their agent fee. You can find out how much a diagram will cost at prices for other services.
Most diagrams are available almost immediately. However, if we need to investigate something on a diagram it may take up to 7 days.
A building over sewer letter (also known as a building over or adjacent to asset advice letter) tells you if we approved a building close to, or over, our wastewater pipes. Selling agents and conveyancers use the letter to determine if a building on a property has been built with our approval. We must approve all buildings and structures that need approval from council or a private certifier.
If you're building over or next to assets, you need to understand our requirements. These are to ensure you don't damage our pipes and structures, and we have ongoing access to maintain them.
Ask one of our Property Link brokers to apply for you – they'll charge for the letter and add their agent fee. You can find out how much a letter will cost at prices for other services.
You may need to ask us to read a meter earlier than usual if you're selling or leasing a property. We can read the meter and send a bill based on a special meter reading.
Selling agents and conveyancers use meter reading information before the sale of a property is finalised to calculate water use since the last meter reading.
Ask one of our Property Link brokers to apply for you – they'll charge for the reading and add their agent fee. You can find out how much a reading will cost at prices for other services.
A section 88G certificate identifies any charges billed to the property owner that aren't covered by the normal charges shown on the bill. This debt is not transferred to the new owner when the property is sold. Selling agents and conveyancers use this information to determine if the owner has any debts to us that aren't shown on normal bills.
If we've incurred costs that should be paid by the owner, we'll charge them. This might happen if the owner has done work that's damaged our pipes.
Ask one of our Property Link brokers to apply for you – they'll charge for the certificate and add their agent fee. You can find out how much a certificate will cost at prices for other services.
Our Property Link brokers can help you buy what you need online.
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