Sydney Water Tap in®

Update on wastewater servicing at Windsor Road
An interim wastewater servicing solution is expected to be completed by March 2025, which will enable new connections to our wastewater network at Windsor Road. See our latest update.

Online applications, approvals and plans

Purchase service and wastewater diagrams, request building plan approvals, apply for water connections and disconnections, and get much more through Sydney Water Tap in.

Please note: Tap in works best in Chrome or Edge. Safari is not supported.

Check charges before you apply at prices for other services.
Ask questions by emailing
Call us if you need help on 13 000 TAP IN (1300 082 746) 8am–5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Manage one project or many

Sydney Water Tap in lets you manage your projects and review the progress of your transactions in one easy-to-use online service. You can sign up with a valid email address. Then you can log in anytime to access your applications and transactions safely and securely. Plus you can access your transaction history anytime. We approve around 70% of building plans automatically.

See how much you can do

To locate our pipes, the private wastewater pipes on your property and your point of connection to our wastewater system, you can order diagrams and prints as PDFs:

  • wastewater service diagrams
  • service location prints 
  • asset construction drawings 
  • supply system diagrams.

If you need building approval from a council or certifier, you need to get our approval too. Before you apply for connections to a new development – even to build a swimming pool or add a home extension – we must check and approve your building plan. This ensures your project won't damage our infrastructure or prevent us from working on it, and your building's protected if we need to work on our infrastructure.

If building or excavation works will affect our pipes, we'll connect you with a water servicing coordinator.

Your council or certifier tells you if you need a Section 73 Compliance Certificate when you develop or subdivide land. You can always access your application information. The application fee covers:

  • full assessment of your application and building plans by a technical expert
  • experienced case manager who looks after your application from start to finish
  • Section 73 Compliance Certificate and building plan approval when required work is complete.

Sydney Water Developer Direct emails a Notice of Requirements within 14 days of getting your application. If you don't need to construct any works, you'll get your Section 73 Compliance Certificate at the same time.

You need to apply for a meter at least 2 weeks before you start building so you'll have water on-site from day one. You can either: 

  • ask us to install the meter – we’ll install it within 10 working days once we approve your application
  • tell us that you or your plumber will install the meter – you'll also need to apply for a connection approval letter. 

Plumbers must apply to connect to our water, wastewater and stormwater pipes. First, check the application requirements. Connecting to our systems explains more about our services and our requirements for connection. Your responsibilities when connected to our services lays out your rights and obligations once you're connected.

Find out more about connections and disconnections.

Apply to disconnect from a drinking water or wastewater service.

Find out more about connections and disconnections.

Apply to upsize or downsize your existing drinking water service or recycled water service.

Apply for approval if your project involves raising or lowering any Sydney Water asset. Assets include maintenance structures for drinking water, recycled water or wastewater.

If your business discharges trade wastewater, you must apply for our written approval so we can assess the operational, environmental and safety risks. We'll assess the outcome within 21 days and let you know what you need to do. We'll arrange an inspection after you start trading.

Find out more about requirements for commercial trade wastewater, industrial trade wastewater and pre-treatment equipment.

If you're in a low-pressure area or you need to serve fire services or header tanks for multi-storey buildings, apply to boost the pressure of your drinking water service or pump to a wastewater outlet or gravity wastewater system.