Your details

Who is an occupier

Who is an authorised representative

Meter reading

How do I read the meter

The account and meter numbers you've given don't match our records. Please check.

This service is currently unavailable.
We're improving our site and can't receive your meter reading at the moment. Please try again later or use one of the other options on the card we left at your property. 
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Your privacy
We're collecting your personal information so we can contact you quickly about important account information, service updates and interruptions. Find out how we manage your privacy.

Thank you tick icon

We've received your meter reading

We'll calculate your water use and send you a bill shortly.

We'll calculate your water use and send you a bill shortly.

The reading you’ve entered isn’t in line with the previous reading.

We'll try to use this information to calculate your water use. If we can’t, we may call you. 

The account and meter numbers you’ve entered don't match our records.

We'll try to use this information to calculate your water use. If we can’t, we may call you.

Switch to a remotely read meter and never fill this form again.

This service is currently unavailable.
We're improving our site and can't receive your meter reading at the moment. Please try again later or use one of the other options on the card we left at your property. 
We apologise for any inconvenience.